The antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior in the public sector: a study in the effect of organizational justice determinants with the mediating role of job satisfaction (applied to the Egyptian Ministry of Transportation)

نوع المستند : بحوث باللغة الإنجلیزیة


الأکاديمية الحديثة لعلوم الکمبيوتر وتکنولوجيا الإدارة بالمعادي - القاهرة - جمهورية مصر العربية


The purpose of this research is to gain insight into the way in which OJ perceptions of public officials can affect their OCBs. Thus, it aims at explaining the link between OJ and OCB considering JS as a mediating variable. The study applied the quantitative analysis method with an explanatory research design typology. For theoretical intents, it adopted the analytical approach to clarify the causal relationship between variables, however it conducted an empirical study to test the correlations in practice. Empirically, the paper identifies the perceived levels of OJ, JS, and OCB among a small sample of employees working at the Egyptian Ministry of Transportation, and then it examines the impact of OJ determinants on OCB practices including the intervening influence of JS.
The research concluded that fairness perceptions, particularly those derived from OJ major determinants, are instrumental in predicting the occurrence of OCB in public organizations. Also, the results proved that OJ and JS contribute positively to OCB dimensions at the Ministry. Thereby, the paper has valuable implications for both theory and practice. Theoretically, it makes a distinct enrichment to the field of study, as it might be the first to investigate the effect of OJ on OCB through JS in the public sector. At a practical level, this article contributes to boost the applicability and meaningfulness of these concepts in the Egyptian culture. So, it provides helpful recommendations which can be applied by Egyptian public executives to ensure high fairness and satisfaction levels and positive attitudes from subordinates.

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