Human resources development and its impact on performing individuals in universities

نوع المستند : بحوث باللغة الإنجلیزیة


المملکة العربية السعودية جدة وزازة التعليم


The study aimed to emphasize the importance of human resources and the need for strategic direction in their development in universities, as one of the main pillars of achieving excellence, and to arrange human resources development strategies in universities, Emphasizing the need for the university to use modern management methods in the development of its human resources-engineering the performance of the university and measuring the quality of the human resources performance, revealing the reality of human resources development in universities and the strategies adopted in them, and identifying strategies that can raise the level of performance of the university. There is a relationship of statistical significance at a moral level 0.05. There is a relationship of statistical significance at a moral level 0.05. Between the organizational learning strategy and the performance of human resources in the universities in question. There is a relationship of statistical significance at a moral level 0.05. There are statistically significant differences at a moral level 0.05, Among the respondents of the study sample refers to both the variable of sex and function, in the impact of human resources development on the performance of individuals in universities. Between the training strategy, organizational learning, development (organizational, management and career development) and career creativity, and that there are no statistically significant differences at the moral level 0.05, On the impact of the human resources development strategy on the performance of individuals in universities belongs to the gender variable

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