Forecasting Higher Education Enrollment In Egypt (2012-2016)

نوع المستند : بحوث باللغة الإنجلیزیة


Economics, Director of Chinese-Egyptian Research Center, University of Helwan and Expert In Strategic Planning Unit Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt


The objective of this study is to predict higher education enrollment in Egypt. Therefore, the paper provides a brief description of forecasting methods and its applications. Moreover, it reviews the available literature on the main determinants of higher education enrollment. To predict enrollment rate in Egypt for the period (2012-2016), it utilizes semi-log function and regression model using the available data from Ministry of Higher Education for the period (1991-2011). The main recommendation of this study is to encourage the private sector to involve in delivering the educational services  through joining in partnerships with the government to establish new institutions or providing the private sector with the required licenses to establish new educational institutions based on the criteria which adopted by National Body for Quality and Accreditation.

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