Impacts of Leadership Style on Staff Job Satisfaction in Primary Health Care Organisations, Primary Health Care Centres in Al-Jouf, Saudi Arabia as Case Study

نوع المستند : بحوث باللغة الإنجلیزیة


Senior Health Administration Health Administration Dept. College of Public Health, Curtin University in Australia


The Saudi health sector faces many challenges, such as inadequate leadership, employee turnover and shortage in health care personnel, centralised management, poor decision making process, and shortage in qualified and effective leaders for PHCCs, so that there is poor leadership in healthcare system. There is no previous studies about the effectiveness of leadership in healthcare employee job satisfaction, so that this study intends to fill the gap in knowledge about effect of leadership effectiveness on employee satisfaction and service delivery. This study aims to indentify how employees perceive different leadership styles in PHCCs and how these leadership styles influence employee job satisfaction in PHCCs in Al-Jouf region in Saudi Arabia. the study sample included (120) employees from (500) workers across (40) PHCCs in Al-Jouf. The study uses survey and quantitative methods as approaches for the study. The study tools included demographic questionnaire, Leader Behaviour Description Questionnaire, and Mueller and McCloskey’s Job Satisfaction Survey. The study results showed that leaders qualities significantly related to employees job satisfaction in PHCCs. Many employees reported high level of satisfaction with salary, services delivered, and work hours. Leadership qualities affecting employee job satisfaction include “leader is understandable, looks for employee welfare, treats employees equally, and makes his attitude clear to all employees”. PHCC leaders perceive their leadership styles as effective and all employees feel satisfied in leadership effectiveness.

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