The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction and Burnout Between Job stress and Organizational Commitment in The Saudi Private Sector

نوع المستند : بحوث باللغة الإنجلیزیة


1 إدارة الموارد البشرية, کلية إدارة الأعمال, جامعة الملک سعود, الرياض, المملکة العربية السعودية

2 جامعة الملك سعود


This study aims to measure the mediating effect of job satisfaction and burnout between job stress and organizational. A questionnaire of 27 items was distributed among private sector workers in Saudi Arabia, and 244 were collected for the purpose of this study. We hypothesized that job stress directly and positively is associated with burnout and negatively linked to job satisfaction. We also made a hypothesis that Job Stress could have an indirect effect on organizational commitment through job satisfaction. Besides this, job Satisfaction could also moderate the effect between burnout and organizational commitment. Additionally, job satisfaction is positively associated with organizational commitment. On the other hand, burnout could be a mediating factor between job stress and job satisfaction. There also could be a negative and direct relationship between burnout and job satisfaction. As expected, all our hypotheses were corroborated.

Our study developed a causal model which investigated the effect of some important factors on private sector employees in Saudi Arabia. It investigates the effect of job stress and burnout in organizational commitment through job satisfaction. The model was analyzed through Path Analysis method. Our present study shows that there is a positive relationship between stress and burnout in H1 and it is in compliance with (Sugawara et al Khamisa et al.’s study in 2017, the high level of workload and high energy expenditure to perform their tasks have less time for competitive pressures and changing procedures and policies

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